Greg Carson
to setting up Ecology Network, Greg spent 3 years as an Associate at WYG Environment,
overseeing the London and south ecology teams. As well as managing the
service and project delivery, he contributed to the metamorphosis of a
unified UK ecology service from discreet cost-centre based offices.
1996 to 2006, Greg worked as the County Ecologist for a unitary authority in
Wales. His day-to-day role of galvanising ecologically benign
development through the planning system and taking forward the local
biodiversity action plan process, was supplemented by strategic work for the
Wales Biodiversity Partnership and activity on behalf of the
Association of
Local Government Ecologists. His work was strongly focussed on policy
and legislation, and included a number of successful legal challenges.
During the early 90's, Greg worked for
The Wildlife Trusts, leading on Earth
Heritage and minerals issues. He was involved in a number of campaigns
and spear headed a consortium of NGOs in legal action which led to the
safeguard of Carmel Woods, South Wales.
Greg sits on the UK Great Crested Newt Steering Group and the Advisory Forum of the
Chartered Institute of Ecology and
Environmental Management. He holds survey licences for bats,
dormice, water voles, otters and great crested newts throughout England and
Wales. Greg is also CSCS compliant (renewal pending), has held a PTS
card, and holds a certificate for the Responsible and Effective Control
of Commensal Rodents. Ecology Network is a CIEEM Registered Practice.
Ecology Network is linked with Strix, a consultancy based in Portugal and working
internationally, specialising in ecological impact of wind energy related